Saturday, June 21, 2008

Trying to Catch You Up!

I am so sorry that I have been so sporadic at posting pictures especially for you dear family that are far away! Wow, how time flies and how days get filled up. By the end of the day when I would have time to blog, all I want to do is sit and do nothing or go to bed! So here are a smattering of pictures that we have to try and catch you up.

The boys change every day. Luke is almost too big for me to carry, he is dressing himself and when we go shopping he tells me "I'm thinking about this one" as he points to something. I wonder where he gets that from!?! Hamilton is more agile and standing on his own not holding anything. He will be walking any day now. We recently went to the doctor for a check-up and she said that he is perfectly healthy even still at the 10th percentile in weight. Hamilton is communicating more, pointing to things and saying please or screaming! He wants to do everything his brother does. Our biggest challenge is aggression and down-right meanness toward each other. Hamilton will want to play with what Luke is playing with, Luke will push him away and Hamilton will bite Luke back. Regardless, what fun times! God has really blessed us. As a mom and wife, I have the best job ever!

Jackson, Tennessee at the Casey Jones Railroad Museum
---on the way to Little Rock, Arkansas this March

The boys with Uncle Daniel! How wonderful it was to be able to spend some time with him and celebrate Easter together. We started a new tradition of doing a Passover Seder to remember Christ's death and resurrection in a symbolic meal.