So recently, I have thought about trully using this as a blog. That is if I can steal away moments from other things that demand my time to write some thoughts. I have never thought highly of what I have to say. Thoughts like "why would anyone waste their time to read what I have to say" are trully in the front of my mind but somehow I don't know why but I feel lead to write for whatever edification of others it can bring.
So in the wake of this election, my heart has been so heavy. (The thought of Obama as president does not exactly thrill me) James and I have experienced a feeling of oppression for whatever reason. As believers, we definitely fight a spiritual battle. Sometimes we are more aware of it than others. One day, I trully felt like it was me and my God against the world. Do you ever feel this way? That day, I really wanted to go live with the my own bubble! I know that that is the cowards way but that is how I felt.
So with all of that in mind God really helped me to overcome these things reminding me that He always walks in victory (I think that is found in Hebrews). He is our source of hope and victory. The God of all the universe has His eyes on the righteous and regardless of the future of our nation, He is our security.
So ironicly, this morning when James and I discovered that Obama and democrats have a lot of the majority, our Bible reading together was entitled "Circumstantial Deceit". It is based off of John 11:14-15. Circumstances don't tell the whole story. How often in the gospels were circumstances deceiving? A storm threatened to capsize a boat, thousands were hungry and God was killed by men, just to name a few. In all of these situations when people stared at the problem they despaired but when they stared at the Truth they found hope. The devotional tells of a story of George Muller who was going to a very important meeting but was on a ship that was stuck in the North Atlantic fog. The captain told George that he would not make his appointment but Muller responded "My eye is not on the density of the fog, but on the living God who controls every circumstance of my life." Amazingly the fog lifted.
"Our human tendency is to feel trapped by visible situations but circumstantial evidence is not the truth of a matter......Those who focused on their problems in the Gospels found those problems to be overwhelming. Those who focused on Jesus found their problems to be illusory. Focus on Jesus. There is no deceit in Him." (taken from The One Year at His Feet devotional by Chris Tiegreen)
So whatever your circumstances are this morning may Jesus Christ be your hope and your joy this day!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Luke's Haircut and Our little helpers!
This is our sweet boy with lots of hair! Love it!
This is all of his hair on the ground!
This is our sweet boy with little hair! Love it! But he looks so much more grown up...=( ! Check out the peanut butter mustache~!
Of course, whatever you do for one you must also do for the other child. So here is a picture of Hamilton's hair. Next time you get peanut butter and jelly in your hair, just make a mohawk out of it!
I thought you would enjoy pictures on the tight ship I (Jenny) run. Here is Luke doing his lunch dishes!

Here's Hamilton vacuuming!

What big helpers they are! Talk about being a productive is on the phone with Laurie, catching up with a good friend who recently moved, Luke is grating cheese and Hamilton is stirring our dinner, and Dad is on the computer researching flooring for our future home! Never boring in this house! I just hope the desire to help remains in the years to come.
Here's Hamilton vacuuming!
What big helpers they are! Talk about being a productive is on the phone with Laurie, catching up with a good friend who recently moved, Luke is grating cheese and Hamilton is stirring our dinner, and Dad is on the computer researching flooring for our future home! Never boring in this house! I just hope the desire to help remains in the years to come.
Time in the Mountains
We recently took a trip to the mountains to spend time with the Bare side of the family. Here's Luke picking flowers on Roan Mountain. We went for a little hike one morning.

The Bare men/boys had fun playing in the stream! It was so cold we had to tell Luke that he had to get out because his lips were blue!

As usual, we celebrated the special birthdays this month! We have such a sweet family to celebrate!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Hamilton's Birthday Party
Hanging around the house
Here are some pictures of the boys playing around the house. Luke is playing in a tent we made in his room, in addition to the McQueen (Cars) tent his Shosho and Papa O gave him at Christmas. Which by the way, he has been sleeping in the matching sleeping bag he received with the tent on top of his bed. Crazy's summer time and hot yet he wants to sleep in the hot sleeping bag. Hey, when it comes to that, I say.."whatever you want honey!"

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Trying to Catch You Up!
I am so sorry that I have been so sporadic at posting pictures especially for you dear family that are far away! Wow, how time flies and how days get filled up. By the end of the day when I would have time to blog, all I want to do is sit and do nothing or go to bed! So here are a smattering of pictures that we have to try and catch you up.
The boys change every day. Luke is almost too big for me to carry, he is dressing himself and when we go shopping he tells me "I'm thinking about this one" as he points to something. I wonder where he gets that from!?! Hamilton is more agile and standing on his own not holding anything. He will be walking any day now. We recently went to the doctor for a check-up and she said that he is perfectly healthy even still at the 10th percentile in weight. Hamilton is communicating more, pointing to things and saying please or screaming! He wants to do everything his brother does. Our biggest challenge is aggression and down-right meanness toward each other. Hamilton will want to play with what Luke is playing with, Luke will push him away and Hamilton will bite Luke back. Regardless, what fun times! God has really blessed us. As a mom and wife, I have the best job ever!

The boys with Uncle Daniel! How wonderful it was to be able to spend some time with him and celebrate Easter together. We started a new tradition of doing a Passover Seder to remember Christ's death and resurrection in a symbolic meal.
The boys change every day. Luke is almost too big for me to carry, he is dressing himself and when we go shopping he tells me "I'm thinking about this one" as he points to something. I wonder where he gets that from!?! Hamilton is more agile and standing on his own not holding anything. He will be walking any day now. We recently went to the doctor for a check-up and she said that he is perfectly healthy even still at the 10th percentile in weight. Hamilton is communicating more, pointing to things and saying please or screaming! He wants to do everything his brother does. Our biggest challenge is aggression and down-right meanness toward each other. Hamilton will want to play with what Luke is playing with, Luke will push him away and Hamilton will bite Luke back. Regardless, what fun times! God has really blessed us. As a mom and wife, I have the best job ever!
Jackson, Tennessee at the Casey Jones Railroad Museum
---on the way to Little Rock, Arkansas this March

---on the way to Little Rock, Arkansas this March
The boys with Uncle Daniel! How wonderful it was to be able to spend some time with him and celebrate Easter together. We started a new tradition of doing a Passover Seder to remember Christ's death and resurrection in a symbolic meal.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Visiting in Nashville with the Sun Family
In our lifetimes, God is so good to give us sweet friends that become like family. This is so for us with the Suns. This past week, we got to go and spend some time with them and help them a little in preparation for putting their house on the market.

I can't figure out how to rotate here's James levitating and working on the Sun's house! Such hard work!

Look at those precious children! Precious and created perfectly and uniquely by our Father!

Laurie and Luke share the same birthday this month, so we wasted no time in celebrating a little early!
Do you think Luke wished for a job for his daddy? Recently, he was introduced into throwing money into a fountain and making a wish. I asked him what he wished for and he said "money"!! We discussed which one we thought worked better...making a wish or saying a prayer. Most definitely prayer won out!
I can't figure out how to rotate here's James levitating and working on the Sun's house! Such hard work!
Look at those precious children! Precious and created perfectly and uniquely by our Father!
Laurie and Luke share the same birthday this month, so we wasted no time in celebrating a little early!
Do you think Luke wished for a job for his daddy? Recently, he was introduced into throwing money into a fountain and making a wish. I asked him what he wished for and he said "money"!! We discussed which one we thought worked better...making a wish or saying a prayer. Most definitely prayer won out!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Fun Times in Charlotte
Yummy sweets at a sweet place!
Jenny's Special Day!
Thanks James for making my birthday so wonderful!
James took us on "safari" to a private zoo and planned a great picnic.
It was a very memorable day!
There's nothing as wonderful as sushi, chocolate, the great outdoors, animals and the best family this 30 year old could ever dream of!
Thanks James for making my birthday so wonderful!
James took us on "safari" to a private zoo and planned a great picnic.
It was a very memorable day!
There's nothing as wonderful as sushi, chocolate, the great outdoors, animals and the best family this 30 year old could ever dream of!
It was such a fun place!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
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