Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hamilton's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday to Hamilton! In theme with what Hamilton enjoys..."Balls, Bubbles and Balloons" was the theme. We ate boiled peanuts and watermelon in the shape of balls, some of Hamilton's favorites! By the way, if you did not know, Hamilton loves balls. He loves to throw and catch balls. He gets so excited! James and I will have to become sports buffs with this one I think!

The birthday cake was a tower of donut holes. So healthy and delicious too!

Despite his face in this picture, he loved the donut holes!

What made the celebration so special was sharing it with family and friends.

Our new great neighbor friends! Their son Aiden is 8 months old and the same size as Hamilton. I (Jenny) have really enjoyed getting to spend time with Michelle.
The great big brother. He did great singing Happy Birthday and making sure all the guests had enough food.

Opening some gifts! Yeah! Hamilton squealed at the gift of balls!


Crystal said...

yay! I'm so happy to get caught up on you guys! I can't believe Hamilton is 1!!!

Unknown said...

Hey Jenny! Thanks so much for the pictures and the update. Balls, balls, and more balls. :-) So excited for you all. (the house looks fantastic, by the way, I hope I get to see it at the end of the month). Give my love to the guys!
Love ya so much Jenny, you are an incredible mom!

George and Laurie said...

Jenny you look so beautiful in these pictures! Always a reminder to me to "keep up" my appearances!