This is our sweet boy with lots of hair! Love it!

This is all of his hair on the ground!

This is our sweet boy with little hair! Love it! But he looks so much more grown up...=( ! Check out the peanut butter mustache~!

Of course, whatever you do for one you must also do for the other child. So here is a picture of Hamilton's hair. Next time you get peanut butter and jelly in your hair, just make a mohawk out of it!

I thought you would enjoy pictures on the tight ship I (Jenny) run. Here is Luke doing his lunch dishes!

Here's Hamilton vacuuming!

What big helpers they are! Talk about being a productive is on the phone with Laurie, catching up with a good friend who recently moved, Luke is grating cheese and Hamilton is stirring our dinner, and Dad is on the computer researching flooring for our future home! Never boring in this house! I just hope the desire to help remains in the years to come.