Friday, August 21, 2009

End of the Summer Tea Party!

Here are the neighbor girls and the boys. I watched them three days a week this summer. We ended our time with an evangelistic tea party. We made a craft of decorating a gift box and talked about gifts. We talked about how Jesus is a gift to us and we can be a gift back to God. Every child made a small wordless book to go in their box. This book tells the story of our sin, Jesus' redemption of us and our new life when we believe in Him. Luke has already told God that he accepts Jesus' death for his sins and that He wants to be friends with God but all three girls prayed and told God that. K the oldest one, I believe was completely sincere and realized what she was saying. The other two, well, a seed is planted and I know that they know. So then, we ended our little time with a celebration of hot chocolate and brownies and played a game passing a gift around and unwrapping it. What a great culmination to the summer! My desire in keeping the girls was to plant seeds and show them Jesus.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

So creative Jenny! What a great way to end the summer and a great purpose for loving on these kids. Seeds were planted and they experienced Jesus through you and in your all's home. Exciting stuff! Love it!